Header Bar

You can also chose to show elements that are hidden by default in the header bar.


In order to display the logo in the header bar, you need to update your initialization configuration. This can be done by adding the "theme" and "header" property to the configuration:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

		<script type="module">

			import LMInit from 'https://maps.locuslabs.com/sdk/LocusMapsSDK.js'

			const config = {
				venueId: 'lax',
				accountId: 'A11F4Y6SZRXH4X',
				headless: false,
				theme: {
          header: {
            hasLogo: true

			window.LMInit = LMInit
			LMInit.newMap('.mymap', config)
				.then(m => { window.map = m; })
				.catch(e => console.error('Error initializing map: ', e))

			html, body, .mymap {
				height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0;

		<div class="mymap" style="height: 100%;"></div>
