POI Object

The POI object is one that will be frequently used and is returned by a number of functions. The table below sets out the fields of this object.

categoryThe category the POI belongs to.Stringeat.bar
descriptionA description of the POI.StringNo matter the occasion, American Tap Room will help you create a sophisticated, intimate, and memorable gathering.
imagesThe images associated with the POI e.g. inside and outside of a restaurant.Array of Strings[“https://img.locuslabs.com/resize/A1QDRD9FJN12J2/480x320cc/poi/0210dca-c-americantaproom2.jpg”]
isAfterSecurityIndicates if the POI is before or after security checkpoints.BooleanTRUE
isNavigableIndicates if a user can get directions to or from the POI. Some POIs like stairs, defibs, etc. can’t be navigated to.BooleanTRUE
keywordsThe keywords/tags associated with the POI. These can be used to assist in finding POIs through searches and providing info to users.Array of Keyword Objects[{isDisplayed: false, isUserSearchable: true, name: "American Tap Room"}]
linksAny urls associated with the POI e.g. the url of a shop’s website.Array of Link Objects[{type: "primary", url: “http://www.americantaproom.com/"}]
nameThe name of the POI.StringAmerican Tap Room
nearbyLandmarkA major landmark nearest to the POI. Assists in helping users find and identify a POI.StringTerminal C
operationHoursThe hours that the POI are operational.StringMo-Fr 05:00-22:00; Su 05:00-22:00; Sa 05:00-20:00
phoneThe phone number associated with the POI.String+ (703) 417-2140
poiIdThe unique id for the POI in the venue.String210
positionThe location of the POI in the venue.Position Object{floorId: "dca-terminals-departures", latitude: 38.855885, longitude: -77.042925, structureName: "Terminals", buildingId: "dca-terminals"}
zoomRadiusThe zoom level at which the POI details become visible on the map.String8