POI Object
The POI object is one that will be frequently used and is returned by a number of functions. The table below sets out the fields of this object.
Field | Description | Type | Sample |
category | The category the POI belongs to. | String | eat.bar |
description | A description of the POI. | String | No matter the occasion, American Tap Room will help you create a sophisticated, intimate, and memorable gathering. |
images | The images associated with the POI e.g. inside and outside of a restaurant. | Array of Strings | [“https://img.locuslabs.com/resize/A1QDRD9FJN12J2/480x320cc/poi/0210dca-c-americantaproom2.jpg”] |
isAfterSecurity | Indicates if the POI is before or after security checkpoints. | Boolean | TRUE |
isNavigable | Indicates if a user can get directions to or from the POI. Some POIs like stairs, defibs, etc. can’t be navigated to. | Boolean | TRUE |
keywords | The keywords/tags associated with the POI. These can be used to assist in finding POIs through searches and providing info to users. | Array of Keyword Objects |
links | Any urls associated with the POI e.g. the url of a shop’s website. | Array of Link Objects |
name | The name of the POI. | String | American Tap Room |
nearbyLandmark | A major landmark nearest to the POI. Assists in helping users find and identify a POI. | String | Terminal C |
operationHours | The hours that the POI are operational. | String | Mo-Fr 05:00-22:00; Su 05:00-22:00; Sa 05:00-20:00 |
phone | The phone number associated with the POI. | String |
poiId | The unique id for the POI in the venue. | String | 210 |
position | The location of the POI in the venue. | Position Object | {floorId: "dca-terminals-departures", latitude: 38.855885, longitude: -77.042925, structureName: "Terminals", buildingId: "dca-terminals"} |
zoomRadius | The zoom level at which the POI details become visible on the map. | String | 8 |
Updated 28 days ago